
Look closely.
This is Earth, but not the Earth, as we know it today. The lands are the same, with some containing hills and mountains; and some with deserts and random hopping creatures dotted about the place. Some have flowing rivers and mighty seas, while still others are a barren wasteland. Some places are warm in climate and others where a change in the weather means the rain falling from a different angle.

The World as it is and has been, has gone through many stages before the one we know, and love, came to be. The Earth of which this story is about is the first of those worlds. Earth beta, if you will. This is an Earth where Elves and Trolls still wander the lands; a place where Dragons fly in the skies and Mermaids swim in the seas. This is an earth where Dwarves mine and magic lives. Here Vampires and Werewolves still find a place to call home. Basically, this is where all the stories began.

All stories have to begin somewhere and this is where most have their origins. Tales happen and afterwards they leak out into other worlds, riding on the wind of possibilities and dreams, and that’s what’s important. Stories must survive, or why do we do anything, why are we here, if no one is going to remember.

And so the tales continue, usually in folklore and myths, but they do carry on. This is a tale of some such characters and the troubles they got themselves into. They may not be the biggest, strongest or the most handsome, but their efforts and plights are worth remembering, because they may just happen to you…

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